This municipal by-election is crucial – for all of us. Our next city councillor will need to step into big shoes, and be immediately ready to deliver.
I’m Rachel Chernos Lin. I’ve been your neighbour since 2003, your TDSB Trustee for the last six years, Chair of the TDSB for the past two, and I’ve built strong, collaborative working relationships with the residents of all our neighbourhoods and communities.
I’m running to be our next councillor because I bring the elected experience needed to jump into the role, hit the ground running, and tackle all the hard work that will deliver real results and keep Don Valley West progressing forward.
Working together, we’ll open new transit lines, reduce gridlock, make our streets and neighbourhoods safer and more walkable, upgrade our parks, save the Science Centre, build affordable housing, invest in services and amenities, and leverage new developments to enhance our communities.
So join me, support me, and elect me to be our next city councillor.
I’m here for you, able to hit the ground running, and ready to deliver. For all of us.
— Rachel